; Assembling and linking |
; ---------------------- |
; nasm -f macho64 test.asm |
; gcc -o test test.o -Wl,-no_pie |
section .data ; data section |
line1: |
db "My name is: " ; constant string |
line2: |
db "Ferdinand", 0xA ; constant string with newline |
global _main |
section .text ; text section |
_main: |
mov rax, 0x2000004 ; syscall number for write |
mov rdi, 1 ; set first parameter to 1 (standard output) |
mov rsi, line1 ; set second parameter to line1 constant string |
mov rdx, 12 ; set third parameter (buffer size) |
syscall ; invoke write function |
mov rax, 0x2000004 ; syscall number for write |
mov rdi, 1 ; set first parameter to 1 (standard output) |
mov rsi, line2 ; set second parameter to line2 constant string |
mov rdx, 10 ; set third parameter (buffer size) |
syscall ; invoke write function |
mov rax, 0x2000001 ; syscall number for exit |
mov rdi, 0 ; set first parameter to 0 (return 0 to OS) |
syscall ; invoke exit function |