My Daily Gist | Ferdinand Silva

Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation & Shunting-yard Algorithm Sample Code (Golang)

package main
import (
type Lexer struct {
Text string
func (lexer Lexer) GenerateToken() ([]string, error) {
var tokenArray []string
for x := 0; x < len(lexer.Text); x++ {
currentChar := string(lexer.Text[x])
if(currentChar == "\n" || currentChar == " ") {
//ignore newline and space
} else if(unicode.IsDigit([]rune(currentChar)[0])) {
if(len(tokenArray) == 0) {
tokenArray = append(tokenArray, currentChar)
} else {
if(unicode.IsDigit([]rune(tokenArray[len(tokenArray) - 1])[0])) {
tokenArray[len(tokenArray) - 1] += currentChar
} else {
tokenArray = append(tokenArray, currentChar)
} else if(currentChar == "(" || currentChar == ")" || currentChar == "+" || currentChar == "-" || currentChar == "/" || currentChar == "*") {
if(currentChar == "+" || currentChar == "-" || currentChar == "/" || currentChar == "*") {
if(len(tokenArray) > 0) {
if(tokenArray[len(tokenArray)-1] == "+" || tokenArray[len(tokenArray)-1] == "-" || tokenArray[len(tokenArray)-1] == "/" || tokenArray[len(tokenArray)-1] == "*") {
return tokenArray, errors.New("Syntax Error")
tokenArray = append(tokenArray, currentChar)
} else {
return tokenArray, errors.New("Syntax Error")
return tokenArray, nil
type Parser struct {
TokenArray []string
func (parser *Parser) Parse() error {
precedences := map[string] int{"+": 0, "-": 0, "/": 1, "*": 1} //order of precedences
var operatorStack []string
var outputQueue []string
if(len(parser.TokenArray) > 0) {
if(parser.TokenArray[0] == "+" || parser.TokenArray[0] == "-" || parser.TokenArray[0] == "/" || parser.TokenArray[0] == "*") {
//syntax error if the first token is an operator
return errors.New("Syntax error")
if(parser.TokenArray[len(parser.TokenArray)-1] == "+" || parser.TokenArray[len(parser.TokenArray)-1] == "-" || parser.TokenArray[len(parser.TokenArray)-1] == "/" || parser.TokenArray[len(parser.TokenArray)-1] == "*") {
//syntax error if the last token is an operator
return errors.New("Syntax error")
//shunting-yard below
//While there are tokens to be read:
for len(parser.TokenArray) > 0 {
//Read a token
currentToken := parser.TokenArray[0]
parser.TokenArray = append(parser.TokenArray[:0], parser.TokenArray[1:]...) //pop the first element
if(unicode.IsDigit([]rune(currentToken)[0])) {
//If it's a number add it to queue
outputQueue = append(outputQueue, currentToken)
if(currentToken == "+" || currentToken == "-" || currentToken == "/" || currentToken == "*") {
//If it's an operator
for true {
if(len(operatorStack) > 0) {
if(precedences[operatorStack[len(operatorStack) - 1]] >= precedences[currentToken]) {
While there's an operator on the top of the stack with greater precedence:
Pop operators from the stack onto the output queue
outputQueue = append(outputQueue, operatorStack[len(operatorStack) - 1])
operatorStack = operatorStack[:len(operatorStack)-1]
} else {
} else {
//Push the current operator onto the stack
operatorStack = append(operatorStack, currentToken)
if(currentToken == "(") {
//If it's a left bracket push it onto the stack
operatorStack = append(operatorStack, currentToken)
if(currentToken == ")") {
//If it's a right bracket
if(len(operatorStack) > 0) {
for true {
if(operatorStack[len(operatorStack) - 1] != "(") {
While there's not a left bracket at the top of the stack:
Pop operators from the stack onto the output queue.
outputQueue = append(outputQueue, operatorStack[len(operatorStack) - 1])
operatorStack = operatorStack[:len(operatorStack)-1]
} else {
//Pop the left bracket from the stack and discard it
operatorStack = operatorStack[:len(operatorStack)-1]
if(len(operatorStack) == 0) {
return errors.New("Syntax error")
} else {
return errors.New("Syntax error")
for len(operatorStack) > 0 {
if(operatorStack[len(operatorStack) - 1] == "(") {
return errors.New("Syntax error")
//While there are operators on the stack, pop them to the queue
outputQueue = append(outputQueue, operatorStack[len(operatorStack) - 1])
operatorStack = operatorStack[:len(operatorStack)-1]
//now the outputQueue contains the reverse polish notation
//read reverse polish notation below
if(len(outputQueue) > 0) {
var stack []string
for len(outputQueue) > 0 {
currentToken := outputQueue[0]
outputQueue = append(outputQueue[:0], outputQueue[1:]...) //pop the first element
if(currentToken == "+" || currentToken == "-" || currentToken == "/" || currentToken == "*") {
//get right operand
rightOperand, _ := strconv.Atoi(stack[len(stack)-1])
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
//get left operand
leftOperand, _ := strconv.Atoi(stack[len(stack)-1])
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
var result int
if(currentToken == "+") {
result = leftOperand + rightOperand
} else if(currentToken == "-") {
result = leftOperand - rightOperand
} else if(currentToken == "/") {
result = leftOperand / rightOperand
} else {
//assuming multiplication
result = leftOperand * rightOperand
stack = append(stack, strconv.Itoa(result))
} else {
stack = append(stack, currentToken)
//print evaluated result
fmt.Println("> " + stack[0])
return nil
func main() {
Sample Run
> ((15/(7-(1+1)))*3)-(2+(1+1))
> 5
for true {
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
fmt.Print("> ")
text, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
//convert to token
lxr := Lexer{Text: text}
tokenArray, tokenErr := lxr.GenerateToken()
if(tokenErr != nil) {
fmt.Println("> " + tokenErr.Error())
} else {
//parse token
parser := Parser{TokenArray: tokenArray}
parseErr := parser.Parse()
if(parseErr != nil) {
fmt.Println("> " + parseErr.Error())
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